Polestar: One Minute Until Midnight
This is a roleplaying game I homebrewed over a couple of weeks. The appeal to this system are the following: simple progression, fast combat, and naval combat rules. I think the naval combat rules are intriguing because movement is abstracted, freeing players from counting hex squares.
There is an accompanying setting to Polestar:OMUM, but it is largely accessory and doesn’t have much influence on the game rules.
For the future:
- I want to write game adventure modules inside the game’s setting.
- Make a diagram for a naval battle scenario. The rules aren’t really self explanatory and a game master may need to see how everything works before running their own battles comfortably.
- Provide resources for new game masters. I wrote this PDF for my own enjoyment, for this reason it lacks many tools someone with no experience would need to run a game smoothly.